Rhonda Summerfeld

Girls Elementary Basketball Program Director


Rhonda is a wife, mother, grandmother and coach.  She is married to Philip Sommerfeld, has 4 children, 10 grandchildren and countless athletes past and present. Her love of sports started a few years back, when she was in junior high when she joined a team for the first time. Rhonda began coaching in 1999, as the Assistant HS Girls Basketball coach at Southern Cal in Lake City. Along with girls basketball, she also was the Head Softball coach while at Southern Cal. Following her time with Southern Cal, Rhonda spent two seasons coaching girl’s basketball at Glidden-Ralston HS and one year at East Sac County JH. After a short hiatus from coaching, Rhonda again wanted to be involved in developing kid’s skills on and off the court. An opportunity presented itself, helping Jeramie Hinote with the Play4Him Academy. The faith and family based Academy, is a perfect match for Rhonda. It gives her the opportunity to not only develop the athletic skills needed to succeed in competitive sports, but also the preserverance and problem solving skills needed to succeed in life.